Motto: "Studying to Show Thyself Approved" 2 Timothy 2:15
The mission of CCU of SC is to equip and empower the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry and to advance the Kingdom of God. To provide biblical education and training that promotes spiritual growth and maturity and empower believers to live successful and victorious lives in Jesus Christ.
To increase knowledge,
To develop Christian Discipline,
To enhance Spiritual Gifts,
and to glorify God!
We are now registered with The Veterans Benefits Administration​.
Central Christian University of South Carolina is waiting.
Step on Board: FALL 2024
We are now registered with
The Veterans Benefits Administration.
Are you a Pastor who wants to study more in-depth the New Testament?
CCU of SC offers the course: "The New Testament Studies: Matthew-Mark-Luke-John."
Are you a Pastor with Missionaries who need to know why personal evangelism is important? CCU of SC offers the course: "Know the Joy of Personal Evangelism."
Are you a lay counselor serious about helping people and wanting to further your education? CCU of SC has Christian Counseling Programs that allow the individual to gain educational experience from the Certificate, Diploma, Associate, and Bachelor's Programs.
The Central Chrisitan University of South Carolina is the answer to your prayers. Low tuition fees, reasonable cost of materials, and qualified, competent instructors make CCU of SC the Ultimate place to study.
Veterans Benefits are NOW an option!
​​We are preparing for a successful Fall 2024!
At CCU of SC, there is only to go:
To Increase Knowledge,
To Develop Christian Discipline,
To Enhance Spiritual Gifts,
And to Glorify God!
CCU of SC offers a full range of affordable ecclesiastical Degree Programs: Certificate, Diploma, Associate, Bachelor's in Biblical Studies, Ministry, and Christian Counseling.
CCU of SC also offers diploma and certified training programs for ministers, deacons/ deaconesses, ushers, leaders and others not seeking a degree, but want to further their personal spiritual growth and development in the Kingdom of God.
To get more information or register for the Fall 2024, Please call 803-786-6594.
One Way
RAM Summer Enrichment Program 2021
"Learning Through Arts "
This summer, students were able to experience five different arts programs. During their time in their programs, teachers were able to integrate reading, and math in their programs. During art classes with Ms. Candance, students learned about polygons and how many sides each polygon had. During dance and drums, students were able to learn about beats and counting. During piano, our younger students practice reading and building their skills. Students also learned what a syllable is and how to count out syllables in a word using the piano. The older students learned about fractions. While we may not have the experience of our traditional reading and math programs, our teachers did an excellent job of incorporating them into their classes.
Please visit us at "theramsc.org."
"The RAM Foundation Received Recognition from
Ghana, West Africa"
Congratulations are extended to the RAM Foundation's Board of Directors, faculty, and staff for work in America that harvests respect from dignitaries from Ghana, West Africa.
Dr. Charles Mills, Bishop of a Community of Ministers in Accra, Ghana, West Africa visited the website and Facebook pages of the RAM Foundation and was greatly moved by the efforts of this prestigious foundation.
Before Dr. Mary O, Stover- founder/ CEO of the RAM Foundation and the Central Christian University of South Carolina educational/ missionary team- left Africa, she was presented with an award that represents the Country of Ghana as a message of appreciation and recognition from Ghana. Dr. Mills stated that "Someday, because of the work that will have been done in America, lives maybe physically touched in Ghana."
Posted February 22, 2016
Congratulations! On February 22, 2016, Central Christian University of South Carolina in conjunction with the Greater Faith United Missionary Baptist Church hosted the Christian ordination ceremony for Rev. George Richardson, Rev. Mary S. Jones, and Rev. Pervis Graham as Christian ministers/preachers and Dr. Carolyn Smith as Christian Counselor. Reverend Doctor Charles E. Graham, President, presided.
"CCU of SC Graduates Christians Servants"
Congratulations Graduates! Central Christian University of South Carolina joined the "hoots", the "shout outs", and the joy of celebrating its graduation exercises on June 22, 2019, at the Greater Faith United Missionary Baptist Church at 2:00 PM.
Best wishes are extended to The 2019 Graduates! May lives continue to represent the love, peace, and excellence of Jesus Christ.
To learn more about Central Christian University of South Carolina contact at (803) 786-6594.
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